
Naija Readers' Buffet

Ayomide Inufin D’great – In a Short While

Ayomide Inufin D’great - In a Short While It is your beauty that overwhelms me, it soothes perfection; it is beautifully overwhelming, how you carry yourself with...
Q — Ayomide Inufin D'great
Naija Readers' Buffet

Ayomide Inufin D’great – Q

Q The news of scarcity became a nuisance, how the cry of my people echoes like sweet songs of grievance, good people, great nation; bad heads, failed statements, human...

Ayomide Inufin D’great – BADAGRY IS A MEMORY OF A LOST People

BADAGRY IS A MEMORY OF A LOST PEOPLE how much more can history get pathetic? Culture dies every time a body thuds & it's being thrown into...
Membis Okorie Chukwukamma - Space and Peace

Membis Okorie Chukwukamma – Space and Peace

SPACE AND PEACE By MEMBIS OKORIE CHUKWUKAMMA I had to run alot of races To be where I am now Had to go to a lot of...
Murderland - Ayomide Inufin Murderland - Ayomide Inufin D'great

Ayomide Inufin D’great – Murderland

Murderland - Ayomide Inufin D'great The land is green, too green to incubate into maturity, a beauty to behold held in abject travesty; the theater where dreams die...
Naija Readers' Buffet
Yeye blogger

Kenneth Oodee – Liquid Grave II

LIQUID GRAVE II And from the liquid grave Death died in solitude grieve No tears to flood the wet rivers Nor sins to quilt the...
Yeye blogger

Kenneth Oodee – The Unfair Bargain

THE UNFAIR BARGAIN We can't say no to death, It's the only game we don't bet Everyone must go though the grave is not the...
Yeye blogger

Kenneth Oodee – Gone Are Those Days

GONE ARE THOSE DAYS Who said there is a culture, I fear the worst in the future Lost track of our ways In technology, we...
Yeye blogger

Kenneth Oodee – The Forbidden Fruit

THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT Cloud darkened by thunderstorms Upon nature, her anger formed The atmosphere came together In pleasure, the world became wet Mighty drops of...
Yeye blogger

Kenneth Oodee – Evening Falls

EVENING FALLS Evening falls on day light One last candle to keep the night leaves dropping, longing for the ground Settling on it's root No...
Yeye blogger

Kenneth Oodee – Oodee’s Prayer

OODEE'S PRAYER Take me to the sea, Where the waters kiss the land Where the waves take the sand Where fishes run for no reason...